Naam Startups
  • City Building
  • Economic
  • Industry / Manufacturing
  • Negotiation
  • Travel
90 minuten
30% Complete
Aantal spelers
Leeftijd 14
Uitgegeven in
Type Bordspel
Laagste basisprijs ooit
Hoogste basisprijs ooit €21,60
Winkel Voorraad Basisprijs NL Prijs NL incl BE Prijs BE incl
Spelshop €17,00 €8,00 €25,00 €6,00 €23,00
De Spelletjes Vrienden €19,95 €2,95 €22,90 €2,95 €22,90
Spellenrijk €20,95 €3,99 €24,94 €4,95 €25,90
Spelspul €17,97 €6,00 €23,97 €9,50 €27,47
Summoner €17,95 €7,25 €25,20 €7,25 €25,20
Having Fun Killing Time €15,60 €0,00 €15,60 €0,00 €15,60
DeSpellentrein €14,99 €3,99 €18,98 €5,95 €20,94
Spelgezel €18,00 €6,95 €24,95 €2,99 €20,99
CrowdFinder €17,50 €7,49 €24,99 €3,99 €21,49
DeSpellenspecialist €17,99 €8,00 €25,99 €6,00 €23,99
The-playground €18,00 €5,99 €23,99 €5,99 €23,99
Spelhuis €19,99 €4,95 €24,94 €4,95 €24,94
Sheepgames €20,00 €8,20 €28,20 €5,00 €25,00
link naar boardgamegeek
  • (Self-Developed Video Game)
  • (Self-Published)
  • SunTzuGames
Startups is a game about economy, trading, risk management and negotiation. You start out with a young company "Startups" and travel around the board buying, trading and auctioning on the way. The goal of the game is to grow your company by buying different properties and buildings and in the end take over your competitor's shares and/or money - In that way buying them out of the game - leaving you as the most succesful Startup. You own 100% of your company in the beginning - but might loose or gain shares from other players which forces you and your competitors to alter strategies during the game. [In short you could call it a strategic Monopoly] Some of the key elements to winning the game is knowing when to build, when to save up money and buy other's shares, when to expect spending your money and winning auctions by the smallest margin possible. As a Startup you'll face both good and bad times during the game, knowing how to manage your money and deal with the situation at hand is what makes a good Startup! (source: [Production] Startups is a indie board game production and is being produced in Denmark with game parts from all over the world.
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