Everdell Bellfaire
Naam Everdell Bellfaire
  • Animals
  • Card Game
  • City Building
  • Expansion for Base-game
  • Fantasy
120 minuten
40% Complete
Aantal spelers
Leeftijd 14
Uitgegeven in
Type Bordspel
Laagste basisprijs ooit €32,00
Hoogste basisprijs ooit €52,95
Winkel Voorraad Basisprijs NL Prijs NL incl BE Prijs BE incl
Spellenrijk €32,86 €3,99 €36,85 €4,95 €37,81
Speldorado €36,99 €4,99 €41,98 €4,99 €41,98
Spelshop €39,00 €8,00 €47,00 €6,00 €45,00
Gamers Dream €45,00 €0,00 €45,00 €5,50 €50,50
Boardgameshop €41,95 €0,00 €41,95 €3,95 €45,90
Outpost Gamecenters €39,99 €6,95 €46,94 €6,00 €45,99
Spellenvariant €46,50 €0,00 €46,50 €0,00 €46,50
Lotana €42,60 €6,95 €49,55 €4,95 €47,55
Good look gamer €39,99 €6,50 €46,49 €9,00 €48,99
Sheepgames €44,00 €8,20 €52,20 €5,00 €49,00
The-playground €43,50 €5,99 €49,49 €5,99 €49,49
De Spelletjes Vrienden €44,95 €2,95 €47,90 €2,95 €47,90
Spelspul €44,10 €6,00 €50,10 €9,50 €53,60
Goedkopegezelschapsspellen €41,95 €4,95 €46,90 €12,65 €54,60
Having Fun Killing Time €34,00 €0,00 €34,00 €0,00 €34,00
CrowdFinder €36,00 €7,49 €43,49 €3,99 €39,99
Spel-topia €37,95 €6,30 €44,25 €4,95 €42,90
Stoneboxer €38,00 €5,99 €43,99 €5,99 €43,99
DeSpellentrein €38,99 €3,99 €42,98 €5,95 €44,94
Spelgezel €42,00 €6,95 €48,95 €2,99 €44,99
Spelonk €42,00 €4,99 €46,99 €4,99 €46,99
Queenofgames €42,00 €8,00 €50,00 €5,00 €47,00
Boardgame merchant €47,95 €0,00 €47,95 €0,00 €47,95
Valhalla boardgames €42,95 €6,95 €49,90 €9,75 €52,70
Summoner €41,95 €7,25 €49,20 €7,25 €49,20
Spellenhuis €49,95 €4,95 €54,90 €8,95 €58,90
link naar boardgamegeek http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/289057
  • Starling Games (II)
The king is throwing an unprecedented year-long event to commemorate the 100th year since Everdell's founding. Come one, come all, to the Bellfaire! Bellfaire is a new expansion for Everdell that offers several different gameplay modules, including: Components and rules for 5-6 players Player powers and resource boards A Bellfaire board with a new Market location Garland Awards, which are shared endgame goals New Special Event cards —description from the publisher
link naar Speldatabase https://www.spellenlab.be/
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