Defenders of the Realm Quest Deck
Defenders of the Realm Quest Deck
Naam | Defenders of the Realm Quest Deck |
Categoriën |
Duur |
90 minuten
Aantal spelers |
Leeftijd | 13 |
Uitgegeven in | |
Type | Bordspel |
Laagste basisprijs ooit | €13,51 |
Hoogste basisprijs ooit | €15,00 |
link naar boardgamegeek | |
Uitgevers |
Omschrijving | |
A set of 84 full-sized quest cards that are used to replace the small sized quest cards from the Defenders of the Realm base game and Dragon Expansion. 23 of these cards are the same as the base game quests, 9 are the same as the Dragon Expansion quests, and the other 52 cards (one of which is the rules reference) are all new quests to go on, most of which were submitted by players. |
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