Naam Odin
  • Economic
  • Industry / Manufacturing
  • Medieval
  • Puzzle
40 minuten
13% Complete
Aantal spelers
Leeftijd 12
Uitgegeven in
Type Bordspel
Laagste basisprijs ooit €11,99
Hoogste basisprijs ooit €105,00
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De Spelletjes Vrienden €12,95 €2,95 €15,90 €2,95 €15,90
Spellenvariant €71,50 €0,00 €71,50 €0,00 €71,50
Boardgameshop €74,95 €0,00 €74,95 €3,95 €78,90
Game Vault €74,00 €5,99 €79,99 €5,99 €79,99
Summoner €73,95 €4,50 €78,45 €4,50 €78,45
CrowdFinder €75,00 €7,49 €82,49 €3,99 €78,99
Sheepgames €79,00 €8,20 €87,20 €5,00 €84,00
Spellenrijk €89,95 €0,00 €89,95 €0,00 €89,95
Spelhuis €11,99 €4,95 €16,94 €4,95 €16,94
Spellenloods €54,99 €2,95 €57,94 €2,95 €57,94
Koning bordspel €58,95 €0,00 €58,95 €0,00 €58,95
Forest Games €55,95 €4,95 €60,90 €7,50 €63,45
Spelspul €55,00 €6,00 €61,00 €9,50 €64,50
DeSpellenspecialist €61,99 €0,00 €61,99 €0,00 €61,99
Spelgezel €63,00 €0,00 €63,00 €0,00 €63,00
DeSpelacademie €59,99 €4,50 €64,49 €4,50 €64,49
Spelonk €60,50 €4,99 €65,49 €4,99 €65,49
Spelshop €58,50 €8,00 €66,50 €6,00 €64,50
DeRodePion €59,95 €6,95 €66,90 €6,95 €66,90
Bordenkaartspel.nl €59,95 €6,95 €66,90 €10,00 €69,95
Meeples bordspellen €61,95 €4,99 €66,94 €6,99 €68,94
Reuzespelplezier €60,00 €7,00 €67,00 €3,50 €63,50
Spellenwinkel €69,95 €0,00 €69,95 €0,00 €69,95
DeSpellentrein €69,99 €0,00 €69,99 €0,00 €69,99
Queenofgames €65,00 €8,00 €73,00 €5,00 €70,00
Lotana €78,00 €0,00 €78,00 €0,00 €78,00
The-playground €105,00 €2,99 €107,99 €2,99 €107,99
link naar boardgamegeek http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/177736
  • Cranio Creations
  • Devir
  • Feuerland Spiele
  • Filosofia Éditions
  • Game Harbor
  • Hobby World
  • Korea Boardgames co., Ltd.
  • Lacerta
  • Mandala Jogos
  • White Goblin Games
  • Z-Man Games
  • テンデイズゲームズ (Ten Days Games)
Using the central board in A Feast for Odin, players have to hunt, gather basic materials, refine those materials, develop their production-buildings, build/buy ships, and raid settlements. The resulting earnings are placed on the players' board in the best possible pattern to produce income and (later) victory points.
link naar Speldatabase https://www.spellenlab.be/
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