De Friesche Velden
Naam De Friesche Velden
  • Economic
  • Farming
  • Industry / Manufacturing
120 minuten
40% Complete
Aantal spelers
Leeftijd 12
Uitgegeven in
Type Bordspel
Laagste basisprijs ooit €23,80
Hoogste basisprijs ooit €52,95
Winkel Voorraad Basisprijs NL Prijs NL incl BE Prijs BE incl
Summoner €44,95 €6,95 €51,90 €11,50 €56,45
Queenofgames €44,00 €8,00 €52,00 €5,00 €49,00
Spelspul €47,50 €6,00 €53,50 €9,50 €57,00
Spellenstad €49,95 €3,95 €53,90 €99,00 €148,95
Spellenrijk €38,95 €3,99 €42,94 €4,95 €43,90
Spelgezel €36,00 €6,95 €42,95 €2,99 €38,99
Adriaensen-speciaalzaak €41,70 €5,00 €46,70 €5,00 €46,70
DeSpellentrein €45,49 €3,99 €49,48 €5,95 €51,44
DeRodePion €44,50 €6,95 €51,45 €6,95 €51,45
Spelonk €46,50 €4,99 €51,49 €4,99 €51,49
Spelonk €46,50 €4,99 €51,49 €4,99 €51,49
Meeples bordspellen €46,95 €4,99 €51,94 €6,99 €53,94
DeSpellenspecialist €43,99 €8,00 €51,99 €6,00 €49,99
Bordspellen XL €48,95 €3,95 €52,90 €5,99 €54,94
Sheepgames €45,50 €8,20 €53,70 €5,00 €50,50
DeSpelacademie €49,69 €4,50 €54,19 €4,50 €54,19
Spellenhuis €49,95 €4,95 €54,90 €8,95 €58,90
Forest Games €49,95 €4,95 €54,90 €7,50 €57,45
Spelhuis €49,99 €4,95 €54,94 €4,95 €54,94
Spelshop €47,50 €8,00 €55,50 €6,00 €53,50
Outpost Gamecenters €49,99 €6,95 €56,94 €6,00 €55,99
link naar boardgamegeek
  • 999 Games
  • Feuerland Spiele
  • Filosofia Éditions
  • Games Factory Publishing
  • Maldito Games
  • Z-Man Games
  • テンデイズゲームズ (Ten Days Games)
In the worker placement game Fields of Arle, set in the German region of East Frisia, players develop an estate and expand their territory by cutting peat and building dikes. The game covers nine half-years with alternating summer and winter seasons, and each season allows or denies specific player actions. Different and detailed manufacturing processes allow a player to create goods needed to expand her estate. In addition, trades with adjoining municipalities can help a player gain the needed resources or goods for building and expanding.
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