Terraforming Mars Venus Next
Naam Terraforming Mars Venus Next
  • Economic
  • Educational
  • Environmental
  • Expansion for Base-game
  • Industry / Manufacturing
  • Science Fiction
120 minuten
40% Complete
Aantal spelers
Leeftijd 12
Uitgegeven in
Type Bordspel
Laagste basisprijs ooit €16,00
Hoogste basisprijs ooit €36,88
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Boxing meeples €21,95 €3,98 €25,93 €3,98 €25,93
Game Vault €21,00 €5,99 €26,99 €5,99 €26,99
De Spelletjes Vrienden €22,95 €2,95 €25,90 €2,95 €25,90
Koning bordspel €23,50 €4,99 €28,49 €4,99 €28,49
Outpost Gamecenters €23,99 €6,95 €30,94 €6,00 €29,99
Speldorado €27,99 €4,99 €32,98 €4,99 €32,98
Summoner €21,95 €7,25 €29,20 €7,25 €29,20
Spellenhuis €24,95 €4,95 €29,90 €8,95 €33,90
Sheepgames €29,50 €8,20 €37,70 €5,00 €34,50
Spellenvariant €36,50 €0,00 €36,50 €0,00 €36,50
Boardgameshop €32,95 €0,00 €32,95 €3,95 €36,90
Spelshop €32,50 €8,00 €40,50 €6,00 €38,50
Spelspul €29,68 €6,00 €35,68 €9,50 €39,18
Spellenrijk €34,95 €3,99 €38,94 €4,95 €39,90
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Summoner €27,95 €6,95 €34,90 €11,50 €39,45
link naar boardgamegeek http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/231965
  • FryxGames
  • Ghenos Games
  • Intrafin Games
  • Lavka Games
  • Maldito Games
  • REBEL.pl
  • Reflexshop
  • Schwerkraft-Verlag
  • Stronghold Games
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next, the second expansion for the Terraforming Mars base game, has players building flying cities and making the atmosphere more hospitable on the deadly planet Venus. In Venus Next, the World Government chooses to also fund the terraforming of Venus. Around 50 project cards and 5 corporations are added, with a special focus on how to make Venus habitable. With the new floater resource, a new milestone, a new award, a new tag, and a new terraforming parameter, players are given more paths to victory and an even more varied play.
link naar Speldatabase https://www.spellenlab.be/
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