Dungeon Twister: Mercenaries
Naam Dungeon Twister: Mercenaries
  • Adventure
  • Expansion for Base-game
  • Exploration
  • Fantasy
  • Fighting
  • Maze
60 minuten
20% Complete
Aantal spelers
Leeftijd 10
Uitgegeven in
Type Bordspel
Laagste basisprijs ooit €21,00
Hoogste basisprijs ooit €25,00
Winkel Voorraad Basisprijs NL Prijs NL incl BE Prijs BE incl
Adriaensen-speciaalzaak €21,00 €5,00 €26,00 €5,00 €26,00
Sheepgames €25,00 €8,20 €33,20 €5,00 €30,00
link naar boardgamegeek http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/21795
  • Asmodee
An expansion in the Dungeon Twister series of games. As all expansion, it can be played as a stand-alone game (if you know the rules from the basic game, available on the game website and you have a set of card). You can also combine it with the basic game and other expansions in order to have a different set of team and room each time you play. This particular expansion is focused on giving characters muscles. Most of them move slower than typical characters, but they are among the very strongest and most diverse characters in their combat abilities. Expands Dungeon Twister
link naar Speldatabase https://www.spellenlab.be/
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