De Vos in het Bos
Naam De Vos in het Bos
  • Animals
  • Card Game
  • Fantasy
30 minuten
10% Complete
Aantal spelers
Leeftijd 10
Uitgegeven in
Type Bordspel
Laagste basisprijs ooit €10,00
Hoogste basisprijs ooit €14,99
Winkel Voorraad Basisprijs NL Prijs NL incl BE Prijs BE incl
DeSpellentrein €14,89 €3,99 €18,88 €5,95 €20,84
Bordspelzaak €13,95 €4,95 €18,90 €6,95 €20,90
Spellenrijk €14,95 €3,99 €18,94 €4,95 €19,90
Koning bordspel €13,95 €4,99 €18,94 €4,99 €18,94
Spelonk €14,00 €4,99 €18,99 €4,99 €18,99
Spelspul €13,47 €6,00 €19,47 €9,50 €22,97
Spelgezel €14,00 €6,95 €20,95 €2,99 €16,99
Sheepgames €13,00 €8,20 €21,20 €5,00 €18,00
Outpost Gamecenters €14,99 €6,95 €21,94 €6,00 €20,99
Adriaensen-speciaalzaak €12,20 €5,00 €17,20 €5,00 €17,20
DeSpelacademie €12,99 €4,50 €17,49 €4,50 €17,49
Meeples bordspellen €13,99 €4,99 €18,98 €6,99 €20,98
Spellenhuis €14,95 €4,95 €19,90 €8,95 €23,90
Lotana €14,00 €6,95 €20,95 €4,95 €18,95
Queenofgames €13,00 €8,00 €21,00 €5,00 €18,00
link naar boardgamegeek
  • Foxtrot Games
  • Gen-X Games
  • Lavka Games
  • Mandoo Games
  • Reflexshop
  • Renegade Game Studios
  • Schwerkraft-Verlag
  • White Goblin Games
The Fox in the Forest is a trick-taking game for two players. Aside from the normal ranked- and suited-cards used to win tricks, fairy characters such as the Fox and the Witch have special abilities that let you change the trump suit, lead even after you lose a trick, and more. You score points by winning more tricks than your opponent, but don't get greedy! Win too many tricks, and you will fall like the villain in so many fairy tales...
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